Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Stuck to the jetty!

When we arose early this morning we indulged ourselves with a bowl of cereal and a mouthwatering sausage sandwich. After we had got dressed, we gathered around the table and discussed our route to Piel Island on the chart. After our route plan, it was time for us to make some bread which we ate for lunch, accompanied by some cream of vegetable soup.
After our delicious lunch, it was time to get to work, and one of our groups (port) filled the one thousand litre tank of water. The rest of us were out on the deck practicing tying knots. Later, when we were motoring around Fleetwood dock, we had an exciting moment when the front of the boat got caught on the jetty. Luckily Mary and Andy managed to free her by using a long rope and a winch.
Finally, we had to learn how to set the Mizzen up. Next, we had a race which team could put it up the fastest, team three won; as a prize they were able to have a shower first. After a long hard day we ate our evening meal, pasta bolognaise ready for tomorrow.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Learning the ropes

We arrived at 7pm Sunday, had tea, unpacked and went to bed. We had sausage, mash and gravy for tea. Made by Joe, Imran, Matthew and Benito. Our Skipper on the boat, Mary, helped us make a brilliant meal. After that we had a small talk on how to use the toilet and then we went to bed.
Today was eventful. Firstly, we learnt how to clip ourselves to the boat and move easily around without risk of falling off. After that we were divided into two watches. Port and Starboard. Mary made up a Rota on which watch had which chores. In teams of three, we then learnt how to put up and take down the Gibb (the sail at the front of the boat). Port then made lunch (sandwiches with fillings of our choice and Tomato Soup) and, straight after, Starboard went for a ride on the Dingy. Meanwhile Port made Cookies, which, once Starboard returned, everyone enjoyed. Filled up by Port’s brilliant speciality, we then swapped and Port went on the Dingy while Starboard learnt how to tie a variety of knots.
After Port had returned, we all suited up and went for a walk to the far side of the Marina. On the return journey we took a detour to look at some dilapidated boats, which stood rotting at the edge of the sea-line. Unfortunately, we got covered in mud and had to be hosed down when we got back. We then played cards while Starboard prepared tea. This takes us here, writing the blog - while Starboard wash up - waiting for our Chocolate Fondue. We hope you enjoyed reading our Blog for the first two days.
By Imran Ahmed and Joe Winrow.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Thursday, 24 September 2009


At the start of the day, we had breakfast. For breakfast we had eggy bread and cereal. Later on in the day we all learned how to set up the mizzen sail, the sail at the back. We learned 3 different parts in the sail, we learned the mizzen sheet, the reef line and the outhaul, and then we had lunch, for lunch we had baked potatoes, baked beans and cheese. Shortly after lunch, at 1 o’clock we tried to get out the marina but unfortunately the lock controller was unable to open the lock because the tide was too small, so they had to let us out late. Consequently we were too late to get to Glasson dock, however, instead of turning around, we all had a turn at steering the boat, and while we were waiting we ate a gorgeous Tiffan! After roughly 2 hours we returned to Fleetwood. When we got back, we cleaned up the deck. At 7 o’clock we had fish and chips for tea, for desert we had chocolate cake. At the end of the day it has got to have been one of the best weeks on a boat ever not just for me but for everyone.

BY: Daniel Cook and Matthew Boyers

An abortive attempt to get back to Glasson.

Piel Island, or not?

After breakfast we filled up the water tanks ready for a day at sea. Starboard watch went in the dingy whilst Port cleaned the boat from bow to stern and then Port went on the dingy and Starboard baked ginger cookies. When Port got back from the dingy we had lunch which was hotdogs and vegetable soup. When we wanted to get out to sea there was a thirty minute delay due to the lock gate opening late. We then let go of the side and finally we got out to sea and Johnny had a go at steering the boat he was actually really good! We tried to sail but it was very rough again so we turned round and came back to Fleetwood. The whole crew were a little disappointed but at least we didn’t have to keep going with the big waves for another three hours and we didn’t get as wet as yesterday. After we had docked we had to plug into the main electrics but the wire was a bit short and so we moved the boat forward and we got electricity plugged in, it took a bit longer than we hoped but it was fine. As soon as we had plugged in we put the kettle on for a quick cuppa for the staff. Later on we went for a walk out of the dock to the estuary and got very muddy, on the way back to the boat we all sat in a line on the jetty and dunked our wellies in the water. When we got back on board Starboard put on a Turkey Korma and an apple crumble (it was lovely jubbly) and everyone enjoyed it. Ian taught us how to throw a figure of eight knot some people got it and others didn’t!
By Henry & Harry

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Wet 'n' windy

Today we started off by having breakfast, sausages and cereal! Now with coco pops!! Next we went for fuel. One watch stayed on the boat and dealt with the fenders whilst Port watch helped with the mooring lines on the jetty. We also took onboard more water.
After this we circled round the marina until the lock gates were open, we sailed through to the middle of the lock and waited for the water to come down to the lower basin level. Whilst that was happening we ate our lunch. Everyone was excited about going out to sea. From there I guess it was plain sailing, until…
Then the waves started to get really rough and big waves started to hit the bow and the 5 people at the bow had to move into the cockpit and clip on with the safety lines and some others were at the stern. People started to put their heads out of the cover and get hit by the sprays and Daniel got absolutely drenched on his first go at facing the spray which was hilarious. Then we turned into the channel before going into the cover of the sand bank, when we turned into the channel the wind and waves were coming from the starboard side and tipping the boat up to roughly 40 degrees which was very frightening. We were in the rough seas for about an hour.
Eventually we sailed into calmer seas and then we took the safety lines off and in about 15 minutes we moored up in Fleetwood docks. After that 3 people off port watch prepared tea which was pasta and bolognaise and for dessert we had rice pudding then we went for showers.

Wet and Wild!

Monday, 21 September 2009

Action packed day at Glasson

Yesterday we arrived at Glasson dock and got on the boat at 6pm. We were introduced to the crew and the boat we found our beds and got the best. We didn’t do much after that and the first meal was bangers and mash (which was very good) and we all slept like a log and were woken up by Ian at 7:30 which was hard because everybody was up quite late.
Breakfast was amazing it was scrambled egg and toast. First thing this morning we got are Sailing kit which consisted of salopettes and a waterproof top. Once we had our kit on we went through some safety features on the boat, also we learnt how to put up a sail, cook and what the different side of the boat are e.g. Stern, bow, port and starboard side. After we learnt to put up the sail which everybody found easy. At dinner we had vegetables and caramelized pork and are about to have a chocolate fondue and we also hope to sail to peel island tomorrow.
By Ben & James

Sunday, 20 September 2009