A call at 13.00 today from Just Core It, the company lined up to put a new exhaust hole in, led to a dash down the motorway to meet them at 14.30 at Glasson in order to let them on board Tenacity for them to drill the new hole. Originally we had expected to meet them on Thursday or Friday of this week to do the work but a busy schedule for Just Core It led to a change of plans and an earlier than expected meeting. The work was completed quickly and easily, a case of having just the right tool for the job, and with no fuss at all. We are very grateful to Just Core It for their speed and standard of service on this task. Work will continue later this week to complete the rerouting of the exhaust and to fit the new outlet, which is coming from Holland as we write, before internal boxing in of the exhaust pipe can be undertaken later next month. The picture above shows the old hole (covered with stainless steel plate) just on the water line and the new hole above the water line.