Saturday, 31 March 2012

First Silver DofE girls set sail.


The journey from school this morning went really fast thanks to many packets of Pringles, sweets and ipods, but Nadia felt slightly travel sick although she’s now ABSOLOUTELY fine! After a quick toilet stop at Patterdale – where we also picked up our ‘daddy’ Tim -who drove us for the following 3 hours we were on way to Largs Marina. We had to carry our bags ALL the way down to Tenacity (which was conveniently moored at the END of the jetty) where we were greeted by Colin.
We got on board and settled in our rooms BOW-Millie, Lucy, Nadia and Maddie
                                                                     STERN-Hannah, Abbie, Elisha and Lizzie
We then sorted the rota and were kitted out with oil skins and life jackets, ready for the afternoon’s sail. But firstly we had to unpack the shopping bags – which was a pretty big job- because there was chocolate fudge cake, lots of tinned beans , but we had a problem when Lucy got the fridge and freezer mixed up…. Whoops!  
We set off sailing and learnt the ropes (pardon the pun) and we either had to pull the rope ‘hard and fast’ or ‘slow and easy’ with Lucy at the helm we set off to Millport on Great Cumbrae Island - which is where we are currently moored for the night. It was really fun to have our first taste of sailing, all in the lovely hot sun wearing our shades- including Nadia’s which she’s had since 1996 and so her eyes look rather small and no one could take her seriously.
A few hours in, Maddie and Nadia were slaving away in the kitchen making bangers and mash which was excellently whipped up!!! Whilst Elisha, Lizzie, Abbie and Hannah were having Millie read them a story out of a magazine and Lucy was still stood at the helm- Loner!!!!
We squeezed round the tiny table and for  once in the busy day  there was silence (as we were enjoying our yummy tea), apart from the occasional snort from Hannah. We ate a hot chocolate fudge cake cold, left all the washing up to Hannah and Abbie then ventured out onto the deck to do a spot of stargazing.
Currently while we are writing the blog there is a game of UNO going on. We all look forward to tomorrow – especially as it’s Aprils Fools Day.
See you tomorrow, love you mums and dads….
Love Millie and Lucy
J xxx

Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at

Map of first 2012 Silver D of E in the Clyde

Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at