Having had another night in the marina and waking up to find an apparently glorious day this morning (Tuesday) there was some excitment that we might actually get to go for a sail. Unfortunately a quick check of the inshore forecast dampened our spirits as there is the promise of more weather on its way. See the forecast below:
'Great Ormes Head to the Mull of Galloway - Strong winds are forecast 24 hour forecast: Northwest 5 or 6 backing southwest 5 to 7, veering northwest perhaps gale 8 later. Moderate or rough. Rain or showers. Moderate or good. Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Outlook: Northwest backing west 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 at first. Moderate or rough. Rain or showers. Moderate or good. '
The decision was therefore been made to have breakfast, tidy up the boat and head home. We will have to reschedule this trip for a less windy time. A bit of a shame as the weather feels so nice at the moment.
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