Thursday, 4 June 2009

Our first driving lessons

Last night was very, very rough. Waves crashed against the boat washing off the apple crumble that was chucked over board that night. Surprisingly no one was sick although Hannah was close to although this could be due to the amount of sugar she had consumed.
We woke up to the brilliant smell of EGGY BREAD!! YUM! Starboard watch made a gorgeous batch of Tiffin which was eaten extremely quickly. We then took the dinghy out for a spin. Everybody got to steer and surprisingly no one crashed! Most of us started the engine first time proving better than the boys! This was a lot of fun!!
For lunch we had fish and chips. (Caught straight out of the freezer!).
We have been singing and making up songs all trip this resulted in “TenatiousMammaGrease” which was a fabulous musical performed by Hannah, Lizzy Nadia and Dannielle which wasn’t quite Broadway but hilarious! We got obsessive over knot tying. Especially Emily who practiced in every spare moment! Yet again we tried our hand at fishing this time using two day old pork chops as bait. Unfortunately no body caught anything except seaweed.
The sun was out when we started our journey back to Glasson Dock, saying a final farewell to Piel Island and the Castle. Later on the wind picked up so we hoisted the sails and learnt how to gybe the boat. The wind was so cold that the woolies came out and everybody was freezing. Some chickened out and went down below but the brave ones faced it out but put on thermals and thick hats and scarves!
When we got to Glasson we moored up in the bottom basin. The “Merger” is a huge dredger boat that we tied to. A few of us got to jump off the boat and tie a lot of knots to it-all the practicing came in handy! It was very dirty and we smelt when we got off!
“Bethule” was another boat that was also in the bottom basin. “Bethule” was a boat that we had seen a few times on our way to Piel Island and back. The two men on board had enjoyed many of our Mexican Waves!
It is not wavy tonight so we are looking forward to a good night’s sleep!

Ellena and Holly!

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