After a night of the quickest and most stressful showers the group has ever had, plus teammates Lizzie and Louise’s very successful fishing (2 fish were caught!), we were told we had to be ready to sail away at 7.30…AM! As Port watch made their way onto deck ready to leave Tobermory, the starboard crew made a quite hectic breakfast, which involved attempting to make toast using a temperamental grill (Laura perfected the technique after a few slices).Just after setting off, there was massive excitement as we spotted Roman Abramovich’s yacht (called le grande bleu-very funny when said in a Russian accent), which had a helicopter, yacht and a speed boat attached. As we all gathered on deck, we experienced our first rough seas. Teammate Lizzie won the prize for the first person to be physically sea sick, but soon got over this by bouncing around on the back of the boat as it hit the biggest waves with teammates George and Louise!!! After deciding the seas were too rough to continue sailing in this direction (there were gale force 8 winds!), we turned around and headed back down the Sound of Mull. It was here where we spotted 2 basking sharks, Barry and Barry’s friend, much to the group’s amusement, and many recreations of the Jaws soundtrack. As a few of the group were feeling nauseous, lunch was a quick sandwich before getting back on deck for some fresh air…although George did manage to spill half a glass of orange juice all over herself, Lizzie and the pringles after a particularly big wave! Starboard crew took over for a couple of hours, which proved to be a great time, with teammate Laura proving a bit of a pro at steering and sunny skies. Meanwhile, the Port crew made a cake, which was a great morale booster, despite being a teeny bit burnt. Roman Abramovich’s yacht reappeared, but much closer this time…the crew waved very enthusiastically but we don’t think Roman was as happy to see us. Some crew members feeling less queasy began chopping numerous vegetables for tea, including 9 red onions, which caused tears all round, to the tune of Chris Martin singing “when the tears come streaming down your face” in Coldplay’s Fix You! 12 hours after we set off, we arrived at our marina, all exhausted. See you tomorrow teammates! xoxo
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