Thursday, 22 October 2009
Lucky Day
Lucky Day
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
We're sinking.......
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Ian was wrong!
By Georgia and Madi
Monday, 19 October 2009
The famous Tenacity TIFFIN!!
200g butter
4 tablespoons of Golden Syrup
Chopped up marshmallows
400-500g of roughly crushed digestive biscuits (choc hob nobs work well too)
Melt the chocolate, butter and syrup in a pan, (add a little water so it doesn’t catch). In a separate bowl crush the biscuits and mix in the marshmallows, then add the chocolate mixture.
Spread into a non stick tin and allow to cool.
Knotty knots!!!
This morning we woke up just after seven we got changed whilst starboard prepared breakfast, cereal, scrambled eggs and toast, after that we discussed the weather forecast and planned for the week. To our disappointment we then found out that we could not sail today because of gale force winds! Instead, we got our waterproof equipment and lifejacket on and went through all of the safety equipment in and outside of the boat; also playing a few games like: how many safety things can you spot. In addition we dekitted ourselves and port prepared the sandwiches. We then put into practice moving the boat to and from the mooring which proved to be quite difficult! We had to step off with the ropes and wrap them around cleats, to stop the boat. Towards late afternoon, the weather improved slightly, as we split into two groups port baking and starboard practicing knots. Port made chocolate chip and ginger cookies. Next both teams met up, starboard taught port how to do a figure of 8, clove hitch, round turn and 2 half hitches and bowline Knots. We then had a mini test.
In the evening Port were able to have showers and starboard made our dinner. For dinner we had caramelized pork, special sauce, rice and vegetables. Pudding was delicious, we had chocolate fondue. After dinner we played cards, then went to bed.
Written by Jess and Ellie
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
We Caught a Fish!
Finally, a fish! Hannah M and Hannah W caught a fish with their teamwork skills; they called it JimBob McCracken-Waters!
This morning, as a team, we all cleaned up the boat. Next, we all had a drive of the dingy. We each got a score out of 10, from Ian, of how we drove and parked the dinghy. Harriet got 9 ¾, therefore becoming the winner. Several games of poohead (card game) later, we went on deck to wait for a lifeboat to zoom down the ramp. Unfortunately, we are still waiting. Mary was very disappointed as she had waited from previous Tenacity trips to see this.
We couldn't sail today because there was not enough wind. Starboard cooked flapjacks and rocky road and they were both YUMMMYYY! After having spuds and several fillings for lunch, we went on another trip in the dinghy to the island. For three whole, fun, hours we played Sardine Protector! Hannah M was upset when she got found by everyone twice. We then had a snack and continued playing. After collecting mussels and getting very muddy we climbed back into the dinghy and headed back to Tenacity. We then cleaned ourselves with sea water.
For the rest of the evening we fished and chilled out while Port made tea. We had fish, chips, peas and sweet corn, which we were very surprised with when Rhiannon ate her vegetables.
Sadly, we had to set JimBob free in the evening. We all got our lifejackets on and had a ceremony for the fish, but then noticed he wasn't there. We all cried. Then Sam owned up that he had hid the fish in another bucket of water. We all cheered! On the other hand, we still had to set him free. We all said goodbye to JimBob and set him to the big blue ocean where he belongs!
The voyage begins....
After hours on end we finally reached the Irish Sea. Unfortunately, we couldn’t sail due to lack of wind so we motored away on our journey to Piel Island. Simultaneously motoring, we played a very unusual game of charades where I (Ailish) acted hilariously as Michael Jackson, Beyonce, and Will Smith. Hannah got tired so we went to the cock pit and had a few Hob Nobs and Jaffa Cakes! Minted. Some of us even got to steer the boat after our biscuit eating session. In this time we saw some dolphins leaping in the water. We also saw seals sunbathing on land and on buoys.
When we were full a few of us fished. Hannah (super fisher-woman) got so into it that she “aggravated the fish” and “snapped the line!” Sam had to fix it. Due to the lack of fish-and our bad skills-we stopped fishing. For we failed in catching any and we kind of sucked.
Then, we anchored near the Piel Island. Land ahoy! It took 4 hours and 45 minutes to get there. It seemed like two days. After lunch failed due to the oven going out and not cooking the jacket potatoes we had hot dogs-AGAIN (no fish caught yet).
We went to Piel Island in the RIB. All the kids played hide and seek and sardines. It was great! We had bourbon biscuits and JUICE! (Still no fish).
Once we had got back we played Poo Head (a card game). Jainee (the ultimate winner) became the Poo Head. A failure she was. But she is pretty great at that game.
Then we had a delish tea (Chicken Korma) with naan bread. (we still caught no fish) and for supper we had apple crumble!
To end the day we resolved it with a great game of poo head!!!
By Ailish and Florence
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Quick Message from Patterdale Hall
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Is it still only Tuesday???
Later on we split into 3 groups of three. We rotated different activities including tying ropes, going out on a dinghy, and having a shower! We all got to steer the dinghy, however there were some very close calls, including some other very expensive yachts. While the third group was out and about in the dinghy the first group played cheat and solitaire card games. Then we had a rest (5 mins). We were called up to the main deck to clean the boat. We were split into twos’. Two cleaned the heads (loo’s), two cleaned the galley (kitchen), two hovered, and two filled up the water tanks (took about an hour). Then port made dinner which took a ridiculously long time. We ate spaghetti bolognaise. We found that two of the instructors had very annoying habits we just had to point out and tease them about:
Sam, who when picks up some food has to talk while it’s on his fork and took ages eating.
Callum, who twitches at breakfast time.
We haven’t found out any of Ian’s bad habits yet…
We have nicknames for the instructors…Sam: Samantha/Marge/Sobo, Ian hasn’t got one yet. Callum: Twitchy/Camilla.
All is well on the boat! :D
From Hannah Waters and Harriet Gribbin
Monday, 12 October 2009
Settling in...
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Thursday, 8 October 2009
The return to Glasson......

Today we returned to Glasson after a long night at Piel Island. It was an eventful journey as half of us felt sick and three of us were, we also got the jib sail out to stabilize the boat. It was quite rough with a few rolling waves but Tenacity fared well. It was a long and tiring trip, the up side was that we got to drive the boat. On the journey back we saw quite a lot seals. It took us four hours to get back to the dock. We had quite an audience entering the lock. Most of them had life insurance but it made their day. After we moored up we scrubbed the decks, all of which the crew got wet. After we played poo head (a card game). At dinner, which we had battered haddock and chips, everyone calmed down and we chilled out. Then we made pancakes and all had a go at tossing them. After we’d eaten the pancakes the instructors gave us riddles to think about. We cleared up and at half past ten we went to bed thinking about tomorrow and the riddles we were unable to figure out.
Nine very tired Buoys

Today we woke up early after a long day on Tuesday. For breakfast we had cereal and eggy bread which we saw later in the day. We were issued with jobs which some of us didn’t like. We prepared the boat so we could set off at noon. The first obstacle we encountered was the lock, in which we had an audience of angry locals. We spent an hour in the River Lune and when we finally reached the sea we were met with big waves. Two hours in to the journey, some people were unwell. Oliver chucked up and we saw our lunch and part of our breakfast which brought back memories. One by one we had the opportunity to go to the bow (front) and stood on the bow Sprit. Also we had a chance to steer the boat for about twenty minutes. We reached our destination after five hours of sailing and chucking, dropped the anchor and had a watery Chicken Korma. For pudding we had crispy cake and custard then we settled down for the night.
By Tom Watton and Alex Johnson
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Quick update from Patterdale Hall
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Hoods up and sails out...
Then we took turns in our 3 teams again of riding and learning to drive the dinghy. We learnt how to drive safely around the basin, then did reverse doughnuts and finished with practicing ‘man overboard’ rescues with a buoy. Apparently it is a proven matter that Aaron, will go purple going in circles at 23 mph, no sorry 2.3 mph. More practicing of tying knots followed and then baking delicious ginger biscuits, tiffin and a pretty little cornflake cake. We had pasta bolognaise for tea made by Dominic and Bertie, followed by rice pudding made by Dominic, Tom, Aaron and Mary. Then we went to beddie by time…
By Bertie and Jack
(apologies for no photos, it was a bit wet!! Mary)
Monday, 5 October 2009
Written by Aaron Winstanley and Oliver Hoare.
Week 3
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Another action packed Day at Sea
Mary steered at first, and then Chris had a go. The waves, however, were growing around us and with them brought only one seasickness. Stefan again!
Joe then attempted steering for the first time and was excellent, keeping the waves behind us and pushing up our speed to over 10 knots. Abhinav then also tried steering for the first time, and steered a shortcut, using Blackpool Tower as a landmark to aim for. He then also in the deepest waters of our trip-over 50 meters.
We then headed over towards Heysham Power Station, constantly looking for the buoys that marked the entrance to the river Lune and Glasson Dock. We passed another ship at anchor also waiting to enter the harbor. Her name was Ben Allen. We continued up the Lune in calm waters and a Pilot boat passed by us, ready to assist the Ben Allen. Then a really weird wave similar to a bore wave (but in the wrong direction) formed with the tide, as we sailed by.
Mary then performed the sharp turn into the lower basin of Glasson Dock, where a true and helpful Lancastrian, the harbor master, assisted us in mooring up. This is where we were to wait for the lock to be readied, for our ascent into the upper basin. The Ben Allen then came into the basin with only less than a foot to spare on the sea walls.
We then ascended the lock, after the Ben Allen had performed a turn. The ascent took only a few minutes, with Mary still at the helm in control of everything going on. After leaving the lock we swung Tenacity round and moored her at her berth in the Harbor basin.
After a long morning we ate an early lunch in the sunshine on deck. We had jacket potatoes with left over Spaghetti Bolognaise and Cheese and Beans. Then Paul washed all the oil–skins and hung them to dry, whilst the others went on a fishing expedition, with the success of a few bites for Stefan, Peter and Abhinav. Then the baking commenced with Mary and Paul making Tiffin cake. After some free time on deck, dinner was put under way, Matthew and Abhinav cooking the curry, Abhinav chopping up the raw chicken and peppers, and Matthew chopping up the onions and cooking the curry. Dinner was to be Chicken Korma with rice and naan bread, followed by Tiffin Cake. After the ‘feast’ everyone began to get changed for bed – the end of another action packed day and a great trip!
By Paul Greenhalgh, Abhinav Kumar and Stefan Smaczylo
By Matthew Taylor and Peter Mackin