Thursday, 14 June 2012

Early, early start

It still remained a mystery whether we would get woken up at half 7 or 4 o’clock in the morning the night before, anchored at Piel Island due to unreliable wind. We soon found out when kath’s feet were in our faces at 4 o’clock in the morning whilst she wiggled the anchor in. It was extremely noisy. Charlie and Alex stayed up to help sail the boat while everyone else stayed in bed and went back to sleep. As the rest of the bow group (Abbie, Natasha and Lucy) went to sleep, we were soon woken up as the sea was very rough. The awkward moment when it’s rocky at sea and you’re on the loo :L Sometimes it felt like you were about to fall out of your bed. Charlie managed this even when there were no waves. She accidently dived head first off the top bunk where she was sleeping ending up face planting the floor and lockers on the other side. Abbie was pooing her pants thinking Charlie had died because she didn’t move for like 6 seconds, whilst Lucy and Natasha were wetting themselves with laughter with Charlie. Charlie spent the rest of the day complaining about her boobies ;0.

The next time everyone appeared, it was 8 o’clock an hour after we were told to get ready. ;/ we sailed into Glasson dock and waited for the lock gate to open. When we attempted to sail to the next lock gate, we soon found out that the depth had dropped since we last made port in Glasson dock so we got stuck more than once in fact. When Ian finally found a clear path we sailed our way into the lock gates, waited for them to flood and made port in our usual spot. For breakfast we had a full Monty- bacon beans and scrambled eggs as well as lots of toast. They told us the plan for the day was that we would split into two groups. One would go for a walk, the other would drive the dingy. Grace and Liv were split up much to their disappointment ;) unsurprisingly they still managed to communicate over the marina when we were opposite finishing our long walk. We had lots of fruit and sausage butties for lunch. We found out that when grace and Lauren were driving the dingy, the father of a swan family had attacked them ;D afterwards Liv and grace were re-united and practiced their dance routines and sang on the deck whilst calling each other Tarj and Sanjay. Lol awks!

Later at night, Matt packed his bags and left as Patterdale hall was short staffed  he seemed pretty glad to be honest! (Not surprising...). So sad because it’s the last night we are sleeping on Tenacity and the last full day on tenacity :’( we all made lots of new friends and had loads of fun, maybe toooooo much fun ;) mwuahahah. By Abbie Gregson and Natasha Bagnall.  <3

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