We set of from Lamlash at the usual time of 9 o’clock in attempt to reach Campbelltown before tea. We had our usual breakfast of cereal and second breakfast of sausage butties made by Alex and Hiren. A short distance from Lamlash we began motoring with full canvas hoisted. After a number of dramatic wind shifts, the wind became more stable and we were able to switch the engine of and continue our voyage under sail. We made good progress which allowed everyone to have a go at the helm. The most notable improvement was Will, despite his erratic course yesterday his steering was pretty much straight. We once again had lunch on deck thanks to the pleasant weather. During our lunch break, we spotted a submarine motoring along the surface across our path to Campbletown. Everyone on board stared at it in wonder, enjoying the lunch prepared by Sam and Will. After lunch we completed the final few miles into Campbletown and, after a short lull, docked on the visitors pontoon, guided by Ian, our skipper.

The antics continued during free time, which included a trip into the town so the crew could make use of the facilities, despite Campbletowns lack of toilet paper, disaster was averted. Will and Sam decided a quick dip in the sea was the best way to wind down after a long, hard day on deck. The result, inevitably, was a soaked pair of joggers and trainers. Being on a yacht, the best course of action to take, in Peter and Alex’s eyes at least, was to hoist Wills wet clothes up to the spreaders and see how long it would take to notice...the answer, a stupidly long time, (well done Will). Dinner prepared by Peter and Abhinav, was plagued with issues, ranging from crew distractions, and problems with the hob having two less heat rings than was needed! Nonetheless dinner was on the table and consisted of a huge pan full of Bolognese and pasta. This went down well and to many crew members’ amazement, the table and all plates and pans, were left empty! Success!
Before our expedition tomorrow, a few supplies were needed, after a short while searching for the co-op, a essential for any real town, let’s be honest, the shopping was complete and all crew members are eager to begin our intrepid adventure into the ‘Wilderness’.
Peter and Abhinav.
Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at
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