Thursday, 16 May 2013

Wednesday is Castle day

Today we woke up to dry but extremely cold weather. Zac and Callum didn’t get out of their sleeping bags until forty minutes after we were meant to get up. For breakfast Dylan and I did the usual cereal and toast and then headed out to explore Piel Island.

We used the dinghy to get to the island but we had to go in two waves. Charlie, Steve and I went in the first wave, which was the right word as the waves soaked us on the way there. While the others came in the dinghy in the second wave, the first wave was greeted by an over-friendly dog. It kept leaping onto me but it was friendly and playful. When the others arrived we all saw the islands wildlife, (which included pigs, horses, dogs and snails) before exploring the 13th century castle on the island. After exploring the castle we went to a pub that was on the television, on a program called “Islands of Britain” where Dylan broke a century’s old tradition by sitting on the king’s chair and not buying everyone drinks!

After we got back it was a case of “many hands making light work” of the lunch rather than “too many cooks spoiling the broth” (or the sausages.) Lunch consisted of having sausages, bacon and scrambled eggs (prepared by Dylan.) After lunch there was a bit of indecision over whether we were going to go sailing or not, but we decided to. So it was, with everyone armed with their clothing (and me with sea-sickness pills) that we set of sailing. We all had a go at playing “skipper” and steering the ship, which is harder than you’d expect. This time, fortunately no-one threw up (but Charlie had his moments).

Then it was time for cooking dinner. As Spag Bol was Dylan’s speciality on Monday he took control of that, and for curry it was time to reverse the roles as that is my speciality. With the help of Zac we prepared the Turkey Korma (with me slipping a few Jalepeno peppers in). There was silence around the table as we ate, the only noise being forks scraping against plates. Soon there was nothing left in the pans, so I thought that meal went down well. As I write, the others are playing cards in great anticipation for the dessert (Rice Pudding) which, compared to last night’s fondue, will probably be not as good as the fondue as it was beautiful. A quick update we forgot to read that the rice pudding takes too long to prepare so for dessert we will probably just be having chocolate hobnobs. Then it will be relaxing before retiring to bed.

By Luke

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