Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Tuesday 17th May 2011


After absolutely no sleep at all for some of us, we set sail for the first time of the week, some of us looking forward to it more than others.

As we were waiting in the lock anticipation was building amongst the young crew and after a while, the time was filled with eating bacon butties, the sea lock opened and we were off. We made our way into the estuary and navigated through a large number of green and red bouys which indicated the shipping channel that we had to stick to.


At the end of the channel we put the sails up and shut down the engine and we finally got our first taste of sailing Tenacity. After about half an hour the Skipper, Ian, handed over the role of steering to us and, one by one, we took on the role. As the waves were choppy some of us felt sea sick (see the picture of Mate Piers), although none of us actually were.

We kept course for Piel Island and navigated first towards a wind farm before turning down the Walney channel and dropping anchor right beside the castle on Piel Island. During our evening meal on Tenacity we were occasionally disturbed by the wakes of passing boats making our pasta bolognaise difficult to eat.


We are now sailing towards Fleetwood which we will have to wait outside until the tide is high enough which should be at about 22:00 tonight.

More from all on board tomorrow

Alex and Nathan

PS Thanks for the comment from Pete Woodruff, we have had a good day on board today, although as you suggested a little wet but the evening is proving to be very enjoyable, from the crew of Tenacity of Bolton

Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at http://www.tenacityofbolton.org/

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Hope that you found some sea legs stowed away. Sleep well tonight ready for the winds tomorrow.

    The Andersons (without Daniel)
