We woke up at 7:30am but Nina, Nuala, Heather and Iman actually got out of bed at 8:30! We got our well earned shower in the onshore facilities and when we were in the showers we all felt as if we were swaying!. As we were getting changed we got scared by a seemingly mad cleaning lady but she was only trying to be friendly!!
Emma, Phoebe and Natalie cooked a great breakfast of scrambled egg, sausage and Karen’s amazing toast with no accidents this time. We then got ready into our oilies and set off out of the lock in Whitehaven for Piel Island.
We had a very rocky first half hour or so when everyone got soaked. It then calmed down a bit but with still very big waves. We sailed all the way to Piel Island and Ian said that we had experienced the toughest day that he had ever been on with year 8 crew, on Tenacity! It took us 6 hours and we are all hardened sea dogs now. Although we did all sleep most of the way and if we didn’t we were just lying down trying to shelter from the elements.
We have all really enjoyed our trip. Although we have all missed our families and are looking forward to seeing them we want to stay on Tenacity because in a weird way it feels like home now. Though we have suffered with the weather and seasickness we will never forget this trip.
By Nina and the rest of the crew helped ;)
Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at http://www.bsspatterdalehall.com/