Saturday, 16 April 2011

Saturday 16th April - Sailing the Kilbrannan Sound

 Hello from the crew.....

This morning we had an early start and breakfasted and took our first steps on beloved land, to look at the small village of Campbeltown. We had some muchly appreciated showers and bought a large supply of food for our expedition, that was well planned thanks to our efficient menu-maker; Felicity. We set off on calm waters with much to do on our day at sea, and were heading towards Lochranza. Today was a particularly educational and fun packed day as we learned more about all the sails on the boat and how to use them…we had up all four sails again; the genoa, staysail, mizzen and main sail and feel we can comfortably work with them in our expedition. After leaving the bay at Campbeltown we had the sails up all the way to Lochranza, and even sailed into our anchorage. Our top speed today was 5.8knots.

We enjoyed the speed and rush when practising the man over board drill. The first practice drill involved lots of shouting as all members of the team felt it necessary to participate with much enthusiasm, but with practice we ran a well operated rescue of our careless fender ‘Bob’, eventually reducing our ‘rescue time’ to 1 minute and 58 seconds.

Today, thankfully, seasickness was abolished, and the main cure for overcoming this seemed to be loud singing, especially when working downstairs in the galley.

We seemed to have consumed a large amount of food so far on the boat, but still all found room for Meg and Emma’s great chicken korma which will help in providing the much needed energy for tomorrow’s expedition. Having only spent around 48hrs on this boat, we all feel very positive and happy on board, and are looking forward to navigating ourselves towards Otter’s point and the Burnt Isles tomorrow. We are now looking forward to a well earned good night’s sleep, ready for the first day of our final expedition. Wish us luck x

Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at

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