Ahoy me hearties! We are currently moored up at Holy Loch Harbour right next to a real life pirate ship! Some of us are secretly hoping Johnny Depp will step onto our deck at any moment. Wishful thinking, but you never know...

After a storming start reaching speeds of 7 knots we actually managed to decrease to 0.9 knots for at least an hour. However we were not disheartened and we all sang a Michael Jackson medley including Man in the Mirror and Earth Song, as well as a little Lionel Richie by Ellie. The slow speed allowed us a little time to get ourselves comfortable on the boat, be able to move around and take in the view, and let us all find our sea legs for the rest of the day.
After our long slow patch of light winds (caused a little by the shadow of the hills) we were back up to more acceptable speeds of about 5 knots. However later on we hit another slow patch due to a drop in the wind; so the kettle was put on and we got out the chocolate biscuits and the mini eggs as well as the awful, but yet hilarious egg related jokes were cracked. Sid, also came aboard to help make our sailing adventure more egg-citable. As you have seen, Sid was helpful in manning many areas of the boat.
By mid day, we had managed to reach our intended location along the route, to be turning the south east corner of Bute (the 7 knots had help make up for the time we lost when the wind died). It was then time for our voluptuous jacket potatoes with various fillings; these were made by Kajol and Claire and they went down really well with all of the crew. After lunch we were all raring to carry on with the journey.
While sailing up the Firth of Clyde, the sun came out and spirits were raised even more. We were then introduced to ‘Jibing’ which triggered many ‘Jiving’ movements by Jess and Paloma. This is similar to tacking but you’re turning away from the wind instead of into it, things happen a little quicker on the boat and it was really exciting. Maddie excelled in the jibing, and became the number one ‘jive bunny’!

The good weather just couldn’t hang on until we had moored up at Holy Loch. As we pulled into the harbour the heavens opened with rain and hail but the crew still soldiered on! We have just had a lovely stir fry whipped up by Maddie and Jess and are now all warm and dry. A definite highlight of the day include Max’s impressions, accompanied with actions....as well as some fantastic sailing.
We are looking forward to tomorrow after probably our most successful day yet!

Love from Jess and Crew
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