Sunday, 8 April 2012

Day 3 - Happy Easter...

At this very moment in time, after approximately seven hours of sailing, we are attached to a pier on East Lochs Tabert, it has been a rather long but most certainly eventful day... we have learned so much and are beginning to feel more in control.

Before the choppy waters, our friend the porpoise made a second appearance! We’ve seen more wildlife than we thought we would so far, so we hope for even more to come (dolphins ideally). On these calmer waters, we had a chance to practise manoeuvring around other vessels and learnt who was the give-way vessel in certain situations. Just before we anchored up for lunch, we sailed past Richard Attenborough’s house, we felt a bit like paparazzi!

Today we learnt about tacking (quickly switching the sail direction to all you people at home!), this was a manoeuvre eagerly anticipated by Maddie: It was made increasing exciting when we reached choppy, open waters where we reached a top speed of seven knots! Saying this, the choppy seas certainly had consequences. With the wind blowing at gale force 7, being a passenger on Tenacity felt like being on a rollercoaster. Some people were introduced to the buckets at this point and no one felt up to much, but we seemed to handle it well and stayed in control.

“Foooooood!” Definitely the highlight of our day! Homemade leak and potato soup prepared beautifully by Ellie and Humairaa for lunch; and Jess and Maddie made delectable spaghetti bolognaise for tea, perfect after a hard day’s work and well received by all.

We have just been panning our route for the next days of the expedition. We will continue to circumnavigate the Isle of Bute (as it really is bute-iful!). And so just like the Vikings may have done, we think we will claim it for our own if we manage to sail all the way around it...

We are sure that we will have lots of tales to tell of our adventures when we get home. But for now, its time for our beds and some well needed down time.

We’re having a whale of a time!

Big hugs Mummies and Daddies!

Love from the ‘Tenacity Bunnies’ :D xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Lots of hugs to Humus! Hope your all having a great time. From your favorite cousin sister Assu xxx
