Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Quick pop to the shops (8hrs and 32nm)

Today began slowly starting off with an extremely icy shower for Ri-Ri and Mo who were daring enough to attempt to wash in it as they were stupid enough to put the body wash on first which they never do. They found themselves lucky having not dived straight under with washing the hair too. We set off from Holy Loch later than usual as we had to clean, hoover and scrub the boat. This was the worst experience for Maddy, Mollie and Lottie and came out of it dripping wet through. Lottie began screaming because a little water was spraying in her face, think maybe it was a little too early for her to be working. Meanwhile Annie and Rehana were downstairs cleaning the heads and writing the blog from previous days. We each were given a separate job to do down below in the time of an hour, working as a team we were all able to get up on deck in just over 50 minutes.

After all the jobs on deck were done, we soon found ourselves sailing away again to our next place. Before long Max and Ian were asking for some homemade bread and so with it being Annie’s time for baking she began the daily process of making bread. It seemed like all the time Annie was baking and cooking! She soon realised that there wouldn’t be enough plain flour to make more bread for tomorrow so Max decided to make another stop off at the Co-op. All 5 of us were very shocked that they hadn’t had enough bread already this week but they were not backing down.

Tomato soup was on the menu for lunch, this went down a treat and left red stained lips all around. Today we didn’t stop for dinner and just kept sailing our way through. We had the weather warning on full, there was excitement all around as we were in for a 9 for the wind force later on this afternoon (out of a maximum of 12). We have been used to having force 5 which we thought was bad enough. This was nothing on what we have had today. Straight after lunch, Mollie and Annie began making dinner which was Chilli and Wraps. Half an hour into cooking, Tenacity began rocking forwards and backwards like we had never seen before. Pots and pans were rolling all around the kitchen and mugs were flying off the kitchen table (luckily they were empty). At one point Annie ended up on the hob with the chilli!

After tea the crew decided we should do a quiz, Max and Ian wrote a sailing/boat based quiz. We perfomed well under the pressure and both teams produced high scores. Off to bed now.

Read more about Sail Training on board Tenacity of Bolton at http://www.tenacityofbolton.org/

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